API (2.0.0)

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Developer Relations: URL: License: MIT License Developer Platform

Not every creative team, process, or software stack is exactly the same. That's where our Developer Platform comes in. The Developer Platform allows you to handle common tasks using our API. Some popular use cases developers have used our API for include automatically adding existing files or folders to the app, uploading new content, and managing teams.

Camera to Cloud (C2C) Program

Camera to Cloud is a unique type of integration. These integrations are purpose built for any device or application that is generating data. If you are building a C2C integration then you will want to use the C2C Integration guides. There you can find all the information you need to get started connecting to the cloud with! Official SDKs

  • Python SDK: offers an SDK in Python to make getting started with our API easier, including abstraction of key concepts like pagination and rate limiting. This project is available on PyPI, so pip install frameioclient and off you go!
  • Python CLI: If you'd prefer to work from the command line FIOCTL is also available on PyPI.

Quick Start Guide

If you want to get started right away, just click this button to bring our API into Postman!

Run in Postman

Otherwise, read on. As a starting point, you'll need to ensure that you have a account that you can sign in with.

From there:

To confirm that your token is working, go ahead and make a test call using a language, tool, or proxy of your choice:

curl --request GET \
    --url \
    --header 'authorization: Bearer <DEV_TOKEN>'
import requests

url = ""
headers = {
"Authorization": "Bearer <DEV_TOKEN>"


In response, you should see your user information.

Error codes

The API may return the following common errors:

HTTP Status Details Reason(s)
401 Unauthorized Invalid API token. Check to make sure you're using Bearer Token authentication, and passing your token via the Authorization header.
402 Usage exceeded You have gone over your plan limits.
403 Forbidden You do not have access to that resource. Returned for both user access and token scope.
404 Not Found Resource has been moved or deleted.
409 Conflict That resource already exists.
422 Invalid arguments One or more parameters supplied were invalid.
429 Rate Limited You have hit the rate limit for the API.
500 Server Error Our server doesn't know how to interpret your request, or was unable to complete your request within the available timeframe (30 seconds).

Troubleshooting common errors

When using a valid API token to perform common tasks, the most common errors are 403, 404 and 500.

A 403 error will usually indicate one of three scenarios:

  1. The token used in the request, and/or the User to which the token belongs, does not have sufficient access to the area of the Account where the resource was requested.
  2. The token does not have sufficient Scopes for the resource requested. For example: calling GET /comments/ without the scope.
  3. A network traffic problem is preventing the API from processing the request. If you suspect your requests are being blocked by a network traffic problem, please contact Customer Support.

A 404 error will usually indicate a resource no longer exists -- it has been moved or deleted.

A 500 error usually indicates a malformed request URL or body, but could also happen when we're unable to complete the request within the available timeframe (30s).

Rate limits

Whether you're using a Developer Token, accessing via an OAuth App, or you're interacting with our API using any of our internal apps, all API calls to are rate limited.

Rate limits apply are applied across any and all API requests from an individual user (irrespective of which token or auth method is used), are depleted and refilled progressively, and are reflected in the response headers of every request made to the API. Each endpoint is configured with its own limits, which range from as low as 10 requests/minute, to as high as 100 requests/second.

Requests that have exceeded the rate limit for a particular endpoint will receive a 429 HTTP error in response.

Limit depletion and refill

The API uses a leaky bucket strategy of progressive rate limiting, in which limits refresh gradually during their allotted time window. In other words, there is not a concept of any hard cutoff after which limits refresh for a particular resource (i.e. "fixed" and "sliding window" enforcement strategies). Rather, remaining limits are constantly refreshing at a pace relative to a resource's limit and time window.

Exponential backoff

Our recommended strategy for managing rate limits is usually referred to as "exponential backoff."

In short:

  • When receiving a 429, pause for a period (normally one second)
  • If another 429 is received, exponentially increase the wait period until normal function resumes


Responses to API requests will always include the following three headers that should be utilized to limit your outbound requests:

Header Value
x-ratelimit-limit The rate limit for this resource path, measured in requests.
x-ratelimit-remaining The number of requests remaining in the current time window.
x-ratelimit-window The time window for this resource path's limits, measured in milliseconds (ms).


The following example is from the response to GET v2/assets/:id/children, to fetch the child assets of a Project root, folder, or Version Stack. The limit for that path is 40 requests per 60,000 ms (one minute), and there are 39 requests remaining after one has been made.

x-ratelimit-limit → 40
x-ratelimit-remaining → 39
x-ratelimit-window → 60000


Rate limits vary greatly across resource paths in the API. Below are some select details, expressed for readability as resource and action (e.g. "Assets -- Update" instead of PUT /assets/:id).

As a general rule, resource paths that create new data are limited at or below 100 calls per minute, and resource paths that fetch lists of assets are limited to 200 calls per minute.

Resource Action Limit (requests) Limit window (ms)
Assets create 5 1,000
Assets update 10 1,000
Assets read 5 1,000
Review Links
Team Members
create 100 60,000
Search read 200 60,000