Ommit heartbeat event to This powers the device "online" status in the C2C Connections tab on iOS and Web.
This should be called no more then once a minute, and no less than once every 5 minutes.
x-client-version | string Default: 0.0.0 Firmware or software version of a C2C integration. Will be used to determine the correct Device Model configuration for the device when multiple are available. Must be a valid semantic version. For more on semantic versions, see here: Example: 2.16.4 |
No Content
Unauthorized response
{- "code": 401,
- "errors": [
- {
- "code": 401,
- "detail": "You are not allowed to access that resource",
- "status": 401,
- "title": "Not Authorized"
], - "message": "Not Authorized"