Working with Audit Logs supports deep Audit Logs for most events taken in the application.

Overview supports and maintains Audit Logs for the vast majority of activities taken in its applications. This includes both basic CRUD on core resources, and some special abstractions (e.g. AssetVersioned).

Audit Logs truncate after 90 days Audit Logs are available via API for a rolling window of 90 days, after which they are moved into cold storage.

Scope and permissions

Only Account Admins may access the Audit Logs for an Account, and all calls to the Audit Logs endpoint must be scoped to an account_id as follows:



Audit Log responses all have a similar format:

    "_type": "audit",
    "account_id": "<account-id>",
    "action": "<ActionTaken>",
    "actor": {
        "_type": "user",
        "id": "<user-id>",
    "actor_id": "<user-id>",
    "id": "<audit-id>",
    "inserted_at": "<ISO-8601-datetime>",
    "item_id": "<resource-id>",
    "item_type": "<ResourceType>",
    "resource": {...},
    "team_id": "<team-id>",
    "updated_at": "<ISO-8601-datetime>"
Don't forget to paginate!

Audit Log response data can be fairly verbose, so make sure you're familiar with pagination!

That said...logs are truncated.

We truncate logs made available to the API after 90 days. Therefore, if you want to maintain a long history of events, please ensure you're storing historical log data independently.


Audit Logs support a variety of filters, including date ranges. Unlike's Search endpoints, filters can be sent only as GET query string params.

Filters all follow the same formatting:

GET + query string

One value per filter type

Currently, Audit Logs support one value per filter type. If you supply two filters of the same type (e.g. filter[action]=ActionOne&filter[action]=ActionTwo), the second filter will take precedence.

Key filter types

The key filter types for culling and navigating Audit Logs are:

Filter typeDescriptionExample values
item_typeFilters for all resources of a single type.Presentation, Comment, ReviewLink, Asset
item_idFilters for a single, specific resource, e.g. an Asset or Presentation.<asset-id>, <presentation-id>
actionFilters for a single Action, usually associated with an item_typeProjectCreated, AssetVersioned, CommentDeleted
actor_idFilters for the ID of a specific User (actor).<user-id>
team_idFilters for activities associated with a single Team. This filter is useful only on teams that have multiple Teams.<team-id>
inserted_atFilters for Audit events occurring before or after a specific datetime. Must be ISO-8601 format, UTC.2022-08-25T00:00:00Z

Item Types and Actions

AccountAccountCreated, AccountUpdate, AccountLocked
AssetAssetCopied, AssetCreated, AssetDeleted, AssetUpdated, AssetVersioned, AssetUnversioned, AssetLabelUpdated, AssetMoved, AssetPreserved, AssetPrivatized, AssetPublicized, AssetRestored
CollaboratorCollaboratorCreated, CollaboratorDeleted
CommentCommentCreated, CommentCompleted, CommentDeleted, CommentLiked, CommentUncompleted, CommentUnliked, CommentUpdated, ReplyCreated
PresentationPresentationCreated, PresentationDeleted, PresentationUpdated
ProjectProjectCreated, ProjectDeleted, ProjectMoved, ProjectRestored, ProjectUpdated
ReviewLinkReviewLinkCreated, ReviewLinkDeleted, ReviewLinkUpdated
TeamTeamCreated, TeamUpdated, TeamDeleted
TeamMemberTeamMemberCreated, TeamMemberAccepted, TeamMemberDeclined, TeamMemberRemoved, TeamMemberUpdated

Filter examples

Filters all follow a similar format, as outlined above. Below are a handful of examples target at specific use cases that can help you get started.

ScenarioQuery string
Actions taken by a single User.?filter[actor_id]=<user-id>
All activity on a specific Presentation.?filter[item_id]=<presentation-id>
Comments left by a User.?filter[action]=CommentCreated&filter[actor_id]=<user-id>
All Review Link activity on a Team.?filter[item_type]=ReviewLink&filter[team_id]=<team-id>